Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another Update

I had another doctors appointment yesterday. Everything went well, baby is doing good. He looked so cute, I don't know how much bigger he has gotten, but I am dialated to a three now, and I am having a lot of contractions. Matt is flying to Denver tomorrow and will be back on Monday night so I hope nothing happens until after he gets back. I can't believe that he's going to be here so soon. Quinn and Ava are so excited. We've recently received some presents for the baby, and one of them is a blanket that was made by a lady in our ward, tonight I found Ava asleep wrapped up in it. It was so cute. Well, we will let you know what happens. Thanks for all your prayers and support.


Jenni Elyse said...

Good luck!

Annie Hatch said...

Yay, I am glad Matt will be home soon. Good luck sweetie!

Amy said...

I can't wait for him to get here......if you need any help.......CALL me....especially if Matt is out of town. Keep me updated!!!

djomitch said...

AAHHH!!! Tomorrow you will have your baby!!! I cant wait to see pics/videos/you in real life! Good luck and tell the kids hi for us.