Sunday, January 18, 2009

7 pounds and Cholestasis of Pregnancy

No, I'm not talking about the movie, that's just how much weight I gained in the last two weeks! I couldn't believe it. Everyone kept telling me "oh, it's just water weight", I sure hope so, and I hope it goes as quickly as it came after this baby is born. I have had a major increase of appetite lately, I feel like I'm always hungry, but I'm trying to be careful and not eat too much. So far I am still under what I weighed with both Quinn and Ava, and I'm trying to keep it that way.

Ok, on to Cholestasis of pregnancy. I had never heard of this until my doctor's appt. on Friday. A couple of weeks ago I had a doctors appt. and I was complaining about my whole body itching. The doctor said she needed to run some blood test because it's a sign of something being wrong with my liver. I didn't think much of it, because this same thing happened when I was pregnant with Quinn and my blood work came back negative for it, so I completely thought the same thing was going to happen again. Well it didn't. My blood work came back positive for it. Basically my liver and gull bladder aren't filtering out the acids like they should, so the acids are going into my blood stream and then deposit into my skin, which is why I'm so itchy. They are planning to induce me on Feb. 5th, but until then I have to go in for weekly ultrasounds so they can monitor how the baby is doing. As of now he's doing great. The doctor said she thinks they caught it at the early stages. They put me on medication to do what my liver and gull bladder aren't. So now we are just waiting around for the baby to get here, it's kinda crazy that it's only a little over two and half weeks away. I'm feeling pretty good, as well as an 8 month pregnant women generally feels. It is some added stress, but we feel good knowing all is in our Heavenly Fathers hands, and that he is watching over us.

He's already getting fat on his little cheeks, I love it.


vanessa said...

Man, I've never heard of that either. Now I'll probably be paranoid if I ever get itchy next time I'm pregnant. Glad they figured that out for you and I hope things go okay. It's probably nice to have an end in sight though. Good luck in your last 2 1/2 weeks and don't worry I'm sure it's just water retention too. :) Can't wait to see pics of your new little guy!

Amy said...

That's kinda scary.....never heard of that. At least they caught it soon enough and congrats on getting to go early! We need to catch up again!

Jenni Elyse said...

I'm glad they caught it early and I'm sure everything will go well. Good luck the birth! :)

Tams Family said...

I've never heard of that before. Hope all goes well. At least you know when the baby is coming! Good luck! Love the nipple story by Quinn too. ;)

karen said...

wow ! i never heard about it before. glad they caught it and you get to see your baby more often before he's born ! :)

Tyler V said...

Oh my, that stinks! I'm so glad that they caught it early!!! It's nice that you know when your little guy is coming! I wish we could be there for you...I'm finally feeling like my life is getting under control and I whish we could help. Jack keeps asking if Texas is far away...he misses you guys, too!
Hang in there, you can do it!

Keith and Nicci said...

Crazy! Good luck with everything - we're keeping tabs on you guys:)

Sarah Sedgwick Anderson said...

Crazy enough this is the second case I have heard about pregnancy/liver today! I will be thinking about you...especially on Feb 5th (I'll be in CA but still thinking)