Monday, June 30, 2008

Random Post

So we haven't been up to much lately, we are getting ready to leave for most of the month of July to Denver and then to Seattle. I wish it was August we were leaving for because everyone keeps telling us that's the hottest month of the year and September isn't much better. Oh, well, I guess we better get used to it, we just stay in our air conditioned house, but we did just get our electric bill and it was double what we payed in Utah. So a little bit of A/C, a lot of fans, and if anyone wants some visitors for the month of August just let us know!

A proud moment for me, my children are dipping their pizza in ranch dressing, I taught them well.

Look mom! My mom can do anything with any ones hair, she's very talented that way, I on the other hand am a work in progress, but this is a pic of Ava's hair for church yesterday. It's getting better, my parts still need some work, but it can be a little challenging sometimes when Ava's flailing her head around like a mad women.
My handsome boy, he's getting so big.

And my beautiful girl, I still treat her like my little baby, but she's getting so big too.
My first Beer Can Chicken. We used root beer, I don't know if it makes much of a difference what you use as far as the type of pop, I couldn't really taste "root beer" flavoring, but it was the most moist chicken I've ever had, this is for sure the only way to bake a chicken.

1 comment:

JamesnMeagan said...

I totally agree Christina! I'm sold on the idea too. It makes the chicken so yummy! I've tried all kinds of soda and they all seem to work. There's only a slight difference in taste, almost so little you can't tell.