Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Funny Things 3 Year Olds Say

We decided to give our blog a face lift and give it a new template (just in case you didn't notice). Also we added a column to the right called QFQ (quotes from Quinn), every day he says hilarious things (at least they're funny to us) and we just thought we would share them with you guys. I'm sure all of you with small children experience the same crazy things that come out of their mouths. I wish I could remember more of the funny things he said recently, but I started with the ones I could remember. This is also a good way for us to help preserve those fun moments in life.

Christina seems to be having difficulties in life right now keeping her body healthy. I know hurting her toe was my fault, but yesterday Christina was getting out of the car in the garage and when she put her foot down her shoe was wet and slide out from under her causing her to do this graceful slide right out of the car on to the ground smacking her back and elbow in the process. I was cautious not to just come out and laugh at her, because she gets upset if I don't at least find out if she was okay first, so after I ran around to help her I asked her to let me know when I could start laughing at her because it was HILARIOUS!

Ok, in my husbands defense, it was hilarious, but not at first. I was getting out of the Durango, so actually it was a long way down, and my back and elbow are still sore. But last night as a lay on the couch with a heating pad I couldn't stop laughing. I can't imagine what it looked like to Matt as he watched his wife go to step out of the car, slip, smack her self against the car, and then slide down to the pavement (wow, that sounds really dramatic). Well, atleast I have the cane I got for my 30th birthday, they are coming in handy sooner then I thought they would.


Bill said...

Are you kidding me? Love to hear what Quinn is saying.
More so what Mom and Dad are DOING!!

Bill said...

Love hearing about the funny things that come out of Quinn!! Even more funny is Mom & Dad!!!!!!
You guys crack me up!!!!!

Keith and Nicci said...

Looking forward to those days:). That makes me miss Quinn and Ava!

tyler and ali said...

I already know I'm the worst friend ever!
Cute quotes...Jack says cute stuff too, but I never remember it. Amy actually writes Matthew's cute quotes on the calendar, but I never remember to!
Miss you guys! Can you PLEASE move back here? Maybe Christina will have fewer accidents that way (or the ice and snow will provide even more opportunities for injury!)