Monday, January 14, 2008

Christinas 30th birthday and our long road trip

Christina as she puts it is now OLD! She turned 30 on the 5th of January. She had a surprise birthday party where friends and family gathered to celebrate. It turned out well, except that 2 years in a row now Christina got sick from something she ate.
Not pictured is Christina with the two canes she received outfitted with horns and whistles.
As it turned out Matt really didn't break Christina's toe, but bruised it pretty good. Christina has made a full recovery and is now able to walk and lead a normal life. Christina was concerned that if she went to the doctor they might have to amputate her toe. She gets a little dramatic sometimes. With Christina's toe recovered, Matt was going to take Christina snowboarding for her birthday, but a last minute flight to Texas postponed those plans which led to Matt driving his car back to Seattle and a long road trip for both Matt and Christina. Luckily they were able to go without the children. Christina flew into Phoenix and visited our friends the Wakes until Matt got there from Houston, which was a FUN 18 hour straight drive. We decided to drive through California and up verses through the shorter route of Utah due to the heavy amounts of snow fall. We really wish we could have gone through Utah to visit friends, but would have been sad since Quinn and Ava were not with us, also we wanted to check on our belongings which have been in storage since April. Instead we were able to drive through Lancaster, CA and visited family and friends there. It was nice to visit with those we got to see, unfortunately the visits were way too short. We really wish we could have taken our time driving back to Washington and visited more friends and site see, but we were on a schedule since Matt's parents were watching Quinn and Ava. Christina was sad to be so close to San Francisco (her favorite city) and not go through. It took 4 days and a little over 2700 miles to drive to Seattle from Houston. It was still very fun for us to be alone for those days and hang out without the children.


Tams Family said...

Happy Birthday Christina! You are sooooo old. Haven't you been watching Oprah though? 30 is the new 20, so no worries. :) Glad to hear your toe is feeling better and you were able to have a little vacation with your hubby. Matthew woke up the other day and said he was ready to go to a party with Quinn. Can you imagine those two trouble makers together?

Jenni Elyse said...

Happy birthday Christina!

Eddie and Amber said...

Happy Birthday!! 30 is totally the new 20. Sounds like you had a fun but a super LONG drive.

Your roses are doing great, speaking of your belongings being in storage since April.

vanessa said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe you got sick again. What a nice birthday tradition. Sounds like a fun trip you had driving. Hope all is well!

Sarah Sedgwick Anderson said...

Happy Birthday, older and wiser friend. I am glad you had a fun party...wish we could have been there. What an ordeal to drive from Texas to Seattle!!!! I can imagine how fun it was driving through the midwestern texas wasteland.

Jeff and Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Christina! I'm glad I'm not the only old one now. -Kristy