Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So Quinn and Ava were in the family room picking up their toys, when I overheard Quinn telling Ava "good girl" and "big girl Ava picking up your toys". It was such a proud mommy moment for me, I guess they really are listening to you, even when you think their not. He was even holding the bag open for her so she could put them in, he's such a good big brother.
Ava's cheesy grin, she's so funny, and cute.
Here is Quinn at the science center seeing how fast he can through a wiffle ball, he averaged about 14mph, the highest he got was 16mph. I thought that was pretty good since he is only 3, and grown men were throwing it and getting about 35mph. I think he's going to follow in his Daddy's and Papa's footsteps and be a baseball pitcher.
Quinn, Ava, and cousin Lucia riding on the back of a centipede. Aren't they cute!

1 comment:

Keith and Nicci said...

Yes, they are cute, and yes, it's okay for you to brag about them! I'm planning on trying out your recipe soon - can't wait!