Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's Official

Today marks our one year anniversary of living in Texas! And we have loved it so far. Unfortunately, it's also the day we have to say goodbye to the Jasperson's. They moved into our apartment complex the day after us. Matt and Bryant are both pilots for American Eagle, and they also go to church with us. They didn't have any kids when we first met them, but they recently had a little boy named Asher. They say it is all our fault they have Asher, because after they spent so much time with our kids they decided they wanted to have some of their own. Mindy had Asher about a month and a half after I had Ethan, so we spent most of this last year pregnant together. Bryant switched bases to Chicago so they figured if he was commuting anyway, they might as well move back to Utah so when Bryant's gone Mindy will have her family near by to help her out. We are so sad they are leaving us, but we are so thankful for the blessing they are in our lives, and that we were able to share this last year together. We love them so much and they will be dearly missed, but we know we will be seeing them often since we both have flight benefits.

Quinn, Bryant, Mindy (holding Asher), me, Ava, Matt, and Ethan.

Ethan and Asher, aren't they precious.

1 comment:

Jeff and Kristy said...

That is so sad, it's always hard to leave good friends especially when you have a bunch in common. Ethan is so cute.