Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ava's Christmas Dress Part 1

Well, my friend Dani was right, she and her husband are afraid to have a girl because they know they will go broke. Ava has not one, not two, but three Christmas dresses this year. Granted we only bought her two of them, and her Grandma bought her one. I'm pretty picky when it comes to Christmas dresses, I found the one below at Target and fell in love with it. There was actually a forth dress involved but I returned it to Costco, it was very cute, but these other ones were too cute. My favorite one is the one she will be wearing the Sunday before Christmas, I will post a picture when she wears it. The jacket in the picture above was mine when I was Ava's age. My stepmom Diane put new lining in it and now Ava gets to wear it. We are going to keep passing it down to all the little girls. This was the best picture I could get of Ava in her dress, she kept running away from me. She's discovered screaming, I remember when Quinn went through this stage, driving in the car was so fun! Other then that though, she's a pretty quiet girl. She is very sensitive, I have to be careful what and how I say things to her because her feelings get hurt easily. I know she's a girl! She's extremely sweet, but watch out for that attitude, she definitely knows what she wants and is not afraid to let you know.


Jenni Elyse said...

Her dress is really cute! I can't wait to see her other ones. :)

Tams Family said...

So sweet! We'll be looking forward to the rest of Ava's Fashion Line.

tyler and ali said...

"indoor voice, please"...ah, I remember those days with Jack. You remember those days, too, since we were usually driving in the car with you and Quinn and they set each other off all the time!
Ava looks beautiful, especially in the coat! I love that it was yours! We love you guys!

Keith and Nicci said...
