Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Yoga Babies

So yesterday I finally did it, I started going to a Yoga/Pilates class. I loved it, but needless to say I am a little sore today, so this morning I decided to do some stretches to hopefully help my sore muscles, and Quinn and Ava decided to join in. It was so funny they were even taking the same deep breaths as me.

Here is Quinn, I mean Spiderman in the cobra pose.

Here is Ava in the downward dog pose.Here is Quinn a sleep with his Spiderman, notice Spiderman has to have his own pillow. The other morning Quinn came and got in bed with me, Quinn took one pillow and when I went to lay on my pillow he said,"No mom that's Spiderman's pillow!" Oh, the things that come out of that kids mouth. My mom once told me that age 3 is her favorite because you never know what's going to come out of their mouths. I think I'm starting to agree.


Keith and Nicci said...

Hey, I'm taking a yoga class too. Your kids crack me up. By the way, Sarah Brunner told me this morning that she has the movies you let Courtney Andersen borrow. I told her I'd give her your e-mail, but I'm tempted to just keep the movies for myself. Hee hee.

Tams Family said...

Love the moves Spiderman! Three-year olds sure are fun. And Ava is getting so big! Give them both a big hug for us.