Friday, January 23, 2009

No new weight and a small baby

Well, I went to the doctors today and I didn't gain any weight this last week. Yeah! They did an ultrasound and everything looked good. They took measurements and he is measuring two weeks small. The doctor said this is still with in normal range, but for me it is pretty surprising since Quinn weighed 8.8 lbs and Ava weighed 9.1 lbs and both were born a week early. The doctor said it's because of my liver problems, but that everything still looks good. He's still scheduled to come on February 5th, so we are still just counting down the days. I am dialated to a 2 and 50% effaced, so that will help with the whole induction process. Things are still good, and we are counting our many blessings.


Emilee & Paul said...

DON'T BE INDUCED!!!! It's the most awful childbirth experience of my LIFE!!!

Amy said...

Well I am still so excited for you.....I am gaining weight weird too.....I gained 8 pounds one month and none the other......I don't get it.

Tams Family said...

Wow, I can't believe it is coming up so fast! Good luck!