Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wrinkly feet and Quinn falls asleep

Check out these wrinkly feet! We went to the botanical gardens and let the kids play in the fountain, Ava's shoes and socks got soaked and by the time we got home and took them off this is what her feet looked like. Click on the picture and you can really get a good look. Crazy!

So Quinn has decided to stop taking naps this week. It's been pretty good so far, he usually falls asleep about 7pm and sleeps through the night. This video is from last night, I guess we need to start eating dinner a little earlier .....

Isn't it hilarious how quickly he perks up at the mere mention of the FHE treat? It did help that it was marble cake with chocolate frosting, Quinn loves anything with chocolate. Every time I watch this video I laugh hysterically.


Tams Family said...

Love it! We miss you Quinn! At least he is going to bed sooner. We tried that with Matthew but it hasn't worked out so well. I guess we've never had the best sleepers. Hope you are having fun!

inanechatter said...

Lol! That's hilarious!

Tyler V said...

Oh, Jack loves that "radio" of Quinn (that's what he calls the videos). He was spellbound and I was trying no to laugh.
We still get the random nap from Jack, but it's only once or twice a week when he absolutely crashes. Sigh. I like naps.

Tiffany said...

That is hilarious!!! I love how fast he jumps up when you mention the cake... and all the sudden he's wide awake! Too funny!!